What is a PVT?

What is a PVT?

A PVT (Personeelsvertegenwoordiging) is a worker’s council for companies employing 10 to 50 people. This council is not mandatory for companies, and must be formed through majority vote by the employees.
A PVT has some rights, like voting rights on changes like working hours or sick policy, advisory rights where the employer must ask advice on big issues and has to take the advice into consideration and informing rights when the employee must disclose financial information.

How do you form one?

1. Get enough workers to agree with the formation of a PVT

Talk to your coworkers using IWW techniques like mapping your workplace etc. Make them positive about PVT’s and encourage them to join a union.

2. Ask your boss to do a vote, or set up a PVT immediately

If your boss does not agree to a vote, contact a union like the IWW or the FNV

3. Organize a preparatory committee, who are going to administer the election of the members of the first PVT

Gather some colleagues who want to help organize the election. Inform the employees about the upcoming election of PVT members.
Talk to co-workers, make flyers and organize information meetings.
Afterward hold the election, and with the people who got voted on will be the first PVT!


Now that you have a PVT, use this to show your co-workers what cooperative organizing can provide and make use of the privileges of a PVT, like having an insight into the company to further the worker’s struggle.

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